Kicker - Every vote counts | WORLD
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Kicker - Every vote counts


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Every vote counts

A ballot joke turns into an election win

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NICK EICHER, HOST: Well, you’ve heard that every vote counts when it comes to public office.

And the Hameroff family in central Pennsylvania can testify to that!

Avi and Lindsay Hameroff decided to vote absentee in recent local elections. You know, to avoid crowds at the polls.

But Avi told tv station WPMT that he noticed something odd about the ballots.

AVI: These several positions and they were just blank with no candidates running at all.

So kind of as a joke, Avi, who’s a doctor, wrote his own name on the ballot for a couple of positions. And wife Lindsay immediately gave him her support:

HAMEROFFS: I was like sure, sure, you’ve got my vote!
And I said wow, there’s two votes already.

A month later, a letter in the mail—saying he’d won the election for Minority Inspector of Elections in Lower Paxton Township! With two whole votes!

Avi says he didn’t expect to win, but he’ll do his public service with all seriousness.

MYRNA BROWN: Another reminder that yes, every vote counts!

EICHER: It’s The World and Everything in It.

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