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Kicker - Casting the wrong vote


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Casting the wrong vote

NICK EICHER, HOST: Last year, Senate Democrats blocked a police reform bill authored by the GOP. And earlier this month Republicans uniformly opposed a Democrat-sponsored police reform bill in the House.

Well, almost uniformly. One Republican crossed party lines, voting with Democrats: Congressman Lance Gooden of Texas. 

Many of his GOP colleagues were quite surprised, but no one was more surprised than Congressman Gooden himself. 

In a Tweet, he explained that he accidentally pressed the wrong button during the congressional vote. Gooden then submitted a handwritten request to change his vote.

Hmm. Wonder how much care he’ll take if the House ever votes on—I dunno—vote fraud?! Too soon?

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(House Television via AP) Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas, speaks as the House of Representatives debates the articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 18, 2019. 

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