Kicker - Antisocial behavior | WORLD
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Kicker - Antisocial behavior


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Antisocial behavior

Zookeepers in Nebraska force a gorilla to cut back on his screen time

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NICK EICHER, HOST: It’s really crucial to manage screen time, just ask 16-year-old Amare.

Display screens mesmerized him so much, he was so zoned out to the world around him, that it didn’t even faze him when his neighbors would physically attack.

Just kept watching the screens.

By now, you must realize I’m talking about a gorilla in the Lincoln Park zoo in Chicago.

Visitors to the zoo would show Amare their cellphone screens and he couldn’t take his eyes off them. So the zookeeper put up a barrier to stop visitors from tempting him and cutting back on his screen time.

And reports are that he is much, much happier—a much more social creature!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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