Kicker - An 80-pound fleece | WORLD
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Kicker - An 80-pound fleece


WORLD Radio - Kicker - An 80-pound fleece

NICK EICHER, HOST: He looked like some alien creature when a rescuer found him wandering in the Australian countryside, apparently for years. But the truth was the little fellow was in desperate need of a haircut!

So workers at a wildlife sanctuary went to work…

AUDIO: [Sound of sheering]

…shearing nearly 80 pounds of matted and dirty wool from the sheep. The wool even came down over his eyes so the poor guy could barely see. He had difficulty balancing the weight just to walk.

The animal barbers said the animal had once belonged to someone. His ear had evidence of an ear tag that his thick fleece must have ripped out. 

They named him Baaaaaaaa-rack and they say he’s enjoying his new life, lighter on the hoof and socializing with other rescued sheep!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/Getty Images)

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