Kicker: A whale of a tale | WORLD
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Kicker: A whale of a tale


WORLD Radio - Kicker: A whale of a tale

A Chilean kayaker gets an inside view of a humback’s mouth and lives to tell about it

Kayaker Adrian Simancas after being briefly swallowed by a humpback whale off Chilean Patagonia, Feb. 8 Associated Press / Photo by Dell Simancas

NICK EICHER, HOST: Here's a whale of a tale. Adrián Simancas was out kayaking with his dad down in the Chilean Patagonia, when all the sudden a humpback whale shows up.

AUDIO: [In Spanish] “Sí, yo en un principio, cuando pensé que había muerto, fue como, claro, mucho terror.”

He’s saying I thought I’d died it was like, of course, a lot of terror.


The whale scooped him up. Simancas probably thought he was Jonah 2.0.

But seconds later, and what must’ve felt like hours, the whale spat him out. Turns out hard-plastic kayaks aren’t on the menu.

Good thing his dad was there to capture the moment, and otherwise keep his cool. Everybody’s safe now, though Simancas says he’s probably swearing off seafood for awhile. No word from the whale, but he’s probably thinking RFK Junior has it right: something’s up with the food supply.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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