Kicker - A waterlogged deal | WORLD
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Kicker - A waterlogged deal


WORLD Radio - Kicker - A waterlogged deal

Florida developer accidentally buys town’s water supply

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NICK EICHER, HOST: A small town in Florida recently lost something valuable.

OK, not exactly lost. Turns out the town accidentally sold something valuable.

And what’s more, the buyer, well, that was an accident, too.

Businessman Bobby Read thought he was buying a small municipal building with the goal of turning it into a gym.

He had no idea he was buying the town’s water supply.

The building he purchased sits at the foot of the water tower for the town of Brooksville.

He told television station WFLA that he was shocked at what the town’s property appraiser told him.

READ: We can’t split the lot because you own the whole thing.

“You own the whole thing.” Great!

So as new landlord, Read was more than happy to give the water tower back.

The city manager said the person whose job it is to write legal descriptions of city properties—he didn’t do a very good job.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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