Kicker: A walk in the park | WORLD
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Kicker: A walk in the park


WORLD Radio - Kicker: A walk in the park

A dog walker sets a new world record to promote pet adoption

Brendan von Wahl/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

NICK EICHER, HOST: Walking your dog can be one of life’s pleasures. And last month, a man set a world record doing just that.

Well, not exactly that: The record he set was to walk 38 dogs, all at once! Mitchell Rudy is the record setter. He bested the prior record of 36 tethered together for a simultaneous walk just over a half mile.

MITCHELL RUDY: These dogs are all figuring out how to work together for each other. They all come from various different homes or bad situations.

It’s for a good cause: all the dogs are from a rescue shelter in South Korea.

The hard truth here is that Korea is phasing in a ban on eating dogs takes full effect in 2027, so the event was aimed at promoting awareness of dogs as pets.

RUDY: Appreciate your trust.

And if dogs could talk, they’d say the same, I’m sure.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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