Kicker - A surprise snake at Sonic | WORLD
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Kicker - A surprise snake at Sonic


WORLD Radio - Kicker - A surprise snake at Sonic

A snake gives Sonic employees a fright

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NICK EICHER, HOST: Imagine being parked at a Sonic fast-food drive-in when suddenly every employee breathlessly sprints out of the building at the same time.

That was the scene in Brunswick, Georgia after workers discovered something hiding behind the deep fryer.

Brunswick police Lt. Matthew Wilson found employees of the Sonic drive-in huddled in the parking lot when he arrived to investigate last Saturday.

On the phone they had described the culprit as brown with diamonds on its back.

But Wilson said—quote—“When I saw it, I could tell it was just a ball python and not a rattlesnake.”

Well, I’m glad for officers like Lt. Wilson, because I’m with the employees. I say safety first, reptile biology second.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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