Kicker: A fist bumping record | WORLD
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Kicker: A fist bumping record


WORLD Radio - Kicker: A fist bumping record

A pair of neighbors set a record for the most fist bumps in 30 seconds by PeopleImages

NICK EICHER, HOST: Maybe you’ve noticed this trend? Fist bumps have replaced the handshake as a common greeting—perhaps because of pandemic-era germ phobia.

Whatever the reason, fist-bumping is now a competitive sport.

RUSH: It's resulted in some bloody knuckles…

Especially when you do it over and over.

A man from Idaho is the current record holder for the most fist bumps in a minute with different people—oddly specific. David Rush paired up with his neighbor's son Joey Hannon to set a new record for number of alternating fist bumps in half a minute.

Rush shared a video this weekend of the record breaking attempt:

RUSH: I've literally punched this kid thousands of times and he's put up with it...

3-2-1 GO!


Rush learned early to take off his wedding ring as it began to act like brass knuckles during training.

RUSH: That is 297 fist bumps in 30 seconds. 24 of them had to be disqualified because they didn't meet the fist bump qualifications set by Guinness. New record 273 fist bumps in 30 seconds.

After the pair broke the record, there was this awkward moment of how to celebrate? A high-five? One more fist bump?

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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