Kicker: A feast fit for a bear | WORLD
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Kicker: A feast fit for a bear


WORLD Radio - Kicker: A feast fit for a bear

A 7-11 clerk encountered an unexpected customer

NICK EICHER, HOST: Christopher Kinson was working the night shift at a 7-Eleven in Olympic Valley, California when...


...he heard the door open.

But he didn’t see anyone enter the store.

Then he looked down. And that’s when he saw a gigantic brown bear helping himself to the snack rack.

KINSON: Time to leave, buddy. Come on. You’ve had enough to eat. Let’s go. Come on. Get out of here. Come on. Shoo, shoo!

In one ear and out the other. The bear completely ignored him. But eventually he left to feast on his donuts and Funions—and I must add, they are fun.

Then he came back inside for seconds.


And thirds, and fourths...

KINSON: Get out of here! Okay go! Are you happy now?

Evidently not!

The clerk jammed a broomstick to bar the doors, but one broken broomstick later, the bear was back at it again until he eventually had his fill.

Probably just got sick.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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