Kicker - A crafty political predator | WORLD
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Kicker - A crafty political predator


WORLD Radio - Kicker - A crafty political predator

Congressman from California staves off a late-night attack near Capitol Hill

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NICK EICHER, HOST: As tight as security is at the Capitol these days, it’s not tight enough, apparently.

An assailant attacked Congressman Ami Bera of California on Monday evening as he was walking to the Capitol for votes.

The attacker is now in custody but will likely be released without charges!

And Congressman Bera says he has not even been asked to help identify his attacker.

BERA: I don’t think there’s going to be a lineup where they’re going to have me look at several foxes to identify that.

You caught that—a lineup of foxes, hard to imagine given the well-earned reputation of the fox—that sly fox.

Apparently he’s not just sly. He took a bite out of that congressman. Bera said he had to take a series of rabies shots just to be on the safe side.

The animal will likely be released into the wild.

He broke no law.

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