Kicker: European cheese roll | WORLD
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Kicker: European cheese roll


WORLD Radio - Kicker: European cheese roll

Contestants chase a wheel of double Gloucester down a hill in England

Tom Kopke, winner of the first race of the annual cheese rolling at Cooper's Hill in Brockworth, England on Monday Associated Press/Photo by Jacob King/PA

NICK EICHER, HOST: File this one under “Wacky Thrill-Seekers.”

A few days ago in Gloucester, England, dozens of competitive cheese chasers try to out-run or out-roll a 7-pound wheel of cheese down a 200 yard hill. A very steep hill, as winner Tom Kopke says:

TOM KOPKE: … my first probably 25 meters I had my feet then they disappeared and I was rolling.

You might as well just roll anyway, the cheese gets a one-second head start, and things move so fast people get knocked over.

The annual event draws daredevils from all over the world.

American Abby Lampe won the women’s race, again:

ABBY LAMPE: I just remember rolling down and my face getting beat up again and I was just thinking to myself like there’s only gonna be a few seconds I’m gonna get to the bottom at some point and then it’ll be over!

Yeah, but the pain may last a bit.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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