End of the week corrections and commendations | WORLD
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End of the week corrections and commendations


WORLD Radio - End of the week corrections and commendations

Plus, listener reviews on Apple Podcasts

Kenstocker/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Next up on The World and Everything in It: a few corrections.

First of all, in yesterday’s story about the Bob Ross painting up for sale. I misspoke when I reported on how much each of the five happy trees in the picture were worth. I said one million, nine hundred and seventy dollars each, when I meant to say one million, nine hundred seventy THOUSAND dollars. That’s a big difference.

NICK EICHER, HOST: Still out of the price range, which I know was the point!

Next, a couple corrections from Monday’s History Book. First, in the entry about the 100th anniversary of Bambi, A Life in the Woods, we misquoted from Isaiah chapter 11. We have listener Mark Newell to thank for pointing out the error. It’s not the lion that will dwell with the lamb, but the wolf. The lion mentioned in the passage eats straw like an ox.

BROWN: Also during Monday’s History Book, we highlighted the Concorde jet. Aviation professor Laura Laster is a faithful listener and had this correction for us:

LAURA LASTER: You mentioned the “transcontinental flights” of the Concorde. Really, those would be transatlantic flights because the Concorde never saw transcontinental flying because of sonic boom noise restrictions imposed by the U.S. government.

Secondly, the Concorde really stopped flying, not just due to that accident, but it was really economic reasons after September 11th that caused Concorde to stop revenue service.

Anyway, thank you so much for making an amazing podcast. I love it. I have told many people about it. Thank you guys for what you do. Bye.

EICHER: We have the most well-informed, intelligent audience of any podcast, I’m sure of it! By the way, when she sent in her correction, she also told us that her former boss introduced her to the program a few years ago. And you know what, that’s actually the best way to get the word out. If you enjoy the podcast, tell a friend!

BROWN: Finally this morning, a couple weeks ago, we asked you to rate this podcast on Apple iTunes and leave a comment. We received almost 300 reviews in just a few weeks! Thanks so much. We thought you might like to hear a few of those encouraging comments:

A listener who identified herself in her iTunes review as Katee T writes: I love that the podcast begins with a news update, but then explores more deeply financial, legal, cultural, and historical topics. It is my first thing in the morning go to!

EICHER: Another review from TribePurdon says the Tribe’s only been listening for a year or two, but have grown to love each voice that helps them learn about the world for God’s glory. The Purdons write: “Thank you WORLD for keeping our eyes focused on the NewsRuler and opening our ears to hear His design so clearly.”

BROWN: That’s great. Here’s one from someone who takes the title “Lord of the Rings Freek.” This reviewer says the podcast is a great way to start the day: “WORLD isn’t focused on sensationalism, they focus on the news. The World and Everything in It covers both the bad news and the good news in a clear and professional format.”

EICHER: The reviewer Isebe rhymes with busy-bee, (hope I’ve got that right) is a daily listener.

BROWN: And one more. Coach Jody comments: “I enjoy starting my day with WORLD podcast. It shapes how I hear the news throughout my day.”

EICHER: Thank you so much to everyone for your ratings and reviews. Such an encouragement to the whole team.

We really are grateful for that you take the time to do these. As we understand it, it’s those ratings and reviews that help boost the visibility of the program in the store. And that’s good, but what’s even better is when you share the program with others. Thanks so much!

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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