Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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A call to rebellion

A call to rebellion

Daniel R. Suhr | Harvard law professor urges President Biden to ignore court rulings

Brad Littlejohn | But a Canadian law harms the news outlets it’s meant to protect

Adam M. Carrington | The sentencing of the synagogue shooter and the need to remember

Calvin Robinson | Believers aren’t cherry-picking commandments when we oppose gay marriage


A.S. Ibrahim | Liberals try to push Muslims to accept an LGBTQ agenda that is fundamentally at odds with their religion

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The new Trump indictment and the looming crisis

J. Daryl Charles | Just war moral reasoning underlines U.S. support for Ukraine

Marc LiVecche | Oppenheimer and the false promise of science

Carl R. Trueman | Christians have three good reasons to face the future with confidence

Barton J. Gingerich | Sojourners continues its decline into infidelity