Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Putting children first

Putting children first

Ericka Andersen | Italy leads the way in anti-surrogacy efforts

Barton J. Gingerich | Patriotism declines on both the left and the right

Jennifer Marshall Patterson | A school board will end its discrimination against a Christian university

Carl R. Trueman | Saddleback Church has even deeper problems than female pastors


Johnson Varkey | Have the facts of the human reproduction system become too controversial for classrooms?

Simon Kennedy | Government takeover of a Catholic hospital is a harbinger of secularization

Mark Hemingway | New York Times columnist reflects on his class but doesn’t go far enough

A.S. Ibrahim | A particular tradition motivates and dominates militant Islam

Nathanael Blake | An LGBTQ presumption and the damage it has done

Bethel McGrew | Coverage of young families shows the success of the pro-life movement