Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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A wake-up call to the West

A wake-up call to the West

Craig A. Carter | Marxist support for Hamas is both telling and intolerable

Katy Faust | A call for the church to return to its roots of child protection

Daniel R. Suhr | Francis fumbles with his statements on Israel and Hamas

Marc LiVecche | Is Israel rightly fighting this fight that’s right to fight?


A.S. Ibrahim | We have an open border, and it’s a national security risk

Erick Erickson | Anti-Semitism is evil, wherever it is found

R. Lucas Stamps | The brave new world of manufacturing humanity is an assault upon human dignity

Steven Wedgeworth | It’s important to be skeptical of sensational claims without being cynical

Lael Weinberger | Parents don’t check their rights at the schoolhouse door

Barton J. Gingerich | Francis Turretin turns 400