A wake-up call to the West | WORLD
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A wake-up call to the West

Marxist support for Hamas is both telling and intolerable

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Marxists offer support to Hamas, while Israel represents Western civilization. What does it mean that so many in the West support Hamas or are at least unwilling to condemn their heinous actions without qualification?

The world watched on Oct. 7, Hamas terrorists stormed into Israel, murdering whole families, raping women, taking hostages, and terrorizing the population. Simultaneously, thousands of rockets were fired into cities in Israel, reaching as far as Tel Aviv. All of these acts were barbaric war crimes of the exact nature as some perpetrated by the Nazis in World War II. It was as if we were suddenly transported back into 1945.

Radical Islam has been trying to conquer Western Europe since the seventh century. Israel is regarded as an outpost of European civilization in the Middle East and thus a target for utter destruction. Hamas has openly vowed to destroy Israel and kill all the Jews who don’t flee. They make no secret that they intend that no Jew should remain alive in the area.

And yet, since Oct. 7, many Marxist individuals and organizations in the Western world have expressed joyful support for what they call “the resistance,” by which they mean the murder and rape of civilians. Over 30 student organizations at Harvard signed a letter that used the postcolonial theory they learned in class to justify their hatred of Jews. Other universities, such as Northwestern, which have never heard of a social justice issue they didn’t want to virtue-signal about, were curiously silent as a backlash against Hamas developed. In cities across the West, tens of thousands of triumphant Muslims and communists marched in support of Hamas, calling for an end to what they term “the occupation,” by which they mean the presence of any living Jew in Palestine.

A shockingly frank letter from the heads of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem to the administrations of Harvard and Stanford criticizes them for their tepid response to the atrocities and expects “higher moral standards, and more courage.”

Contemporary Marxism is not some secret conspiracy. It is right there in the open telling us what it is and what it wants.

What we have seen here is a revelation of the future of the West. If you want to know what the West will be like if Marxists get their way, just look at the Gaza Strip. It is a destitute community without functioning infrastructure in which the masses live in poverty and isolation while a militarized elite live in luxury. The money not spent on BMWs for the commanders goes mostly to buying weapons to kill Jews.

Marxists have colonized (I use that word deliberately) our universities. They flourish in the grievance studies pseudo-disciplines and the departments of what used to be English literature. Their malign influence has now spread into the professional schools and has created a gigantic, expensive, wasteful bureaucracy called “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion,” the goal of which is to stamp out diversity of thought, prevent open debate, and impose a stifling Marxist ideology on the institution by going so far as to control thought by controlling language itself.

The Marxist strategy is to spread racial hatred and antisemitism. They pit every group against every other group in a quest to turn a modern, liberal, democratic society into the state of nature, out of which modern thinkers like Hobbes and Locke believed we emerged. To create the conditions suitable for revolution, they see life as “nasty, brutish, and short,” as Hobbes put it. They want poverty, societal disfunction, no trust in elders or institutions, and depressed individuals isolated from all natural family ties.

If you want to know what the Marxists want for our society, just look at the Gaza Strip. Marxism is animated by what Dostoevsky’s Grand Inquisitor called “that wise spirit, the dread spirit of death and destruction.” It is a death cult. That is why it loves Hamas.

It is time for the West to wake up. It is wrong to assume the campus radicals will just outgrow that stuff. They don’t outgrow it. They create DEI bureaucracies in Wall Street firms and the U.S. military. They create the dysfunctional education system we now have in the West in which children are sexualized and radicalized from kindergarten with absolutely no regard for what is safe or appropriate for young minds, thus creating an epidemic of mental illness. They just keep pushing the destructive, anti-human sexual revolution.

We should have known. Contemporary Marxism is not some secret conspiracy. It is right there in the open telling us what it is and what it wants. Yet we praise it, fund it, and give it access to the minds of our children. This is insanity.

If Marxist support for Hamas isn’t a wake-up call, I don’t know what it will take to wake us from our slumber.

Craig A. Carter

Craig is the research professor of theology at Tyndale University in Toronto and theologian in residence at Westney Heights Baptist Church in Ajax, Ontario.

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