Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Fighting Apple’s anti-religious bias

Fighting Apple’s anti-religious bias

Jerry Bowyer | An upcoming shareholder vote is an opportunity to engage with the world’s largest company

Ericka Andersen | The great magazine took the LGBTQ path to corporate doom

John Lomperis | Supposed moderates claimed to support unity but their actions ensured a breakup

Hunter Baker | Freud’s Last Session has its drawbacks, but it highlights the importance of duty


Nathan A. Finn | Taxing endowments would punish faithful private colleges and universities

Andrew T. Walker | Evangelicals must be able to see through the fog of election season

Bethel McGrew | The disinviting of a panel speaker shows the challenges facing conservative Christians

Ted Kluck | The sports magazine gave us literature along with pictures of sports stars

Eric Teetsel | Making sense of the fight over Ukraine funding in Congress

James R. Wood | Today’s conflicts are not about the supernatural but the natural