Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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The seduction of elitism

The seduction of elitism

C.R. Wiley | Evangelical leaders and the lure of Lewis’ inner ring

Ted Kluck | The Super Bowl as a godless grasping at permanence

Colin J. Smothers | We must trust God’s Word to set us straight the way a pilot has to trust his instruments

Nathanael Blake | Does anybody close to the president care enough amid his mental decline to encourage him to step down?


Jordan J. Ballor | Christian faithfulness is the best response to denigration of the church

Daniel R. Suhr | Presidents cannot commit crimes but should have a wide berth for official acts

A.S. Ibrahim | There are imams in North America calling for violence against non-Muslims

J. Daryl Charles | Our country has a duty to help achieve a justly ordered peace in Ukraine

James R. Wood | Untethering rights discourse from its Christian foundation will spell trouble

Jeremy Dys | Bryan, Ohio, leaders harass a church that helps the homeless