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Joe Rigney | A response to the “He Gets Us” Super Bowl commercial does a much better job of pre-evangelism

Ericka Andersen | Women face intensified pressure to abandon their maternal instincts and choose abortion

Obbie Tyler Todd | Don’t get too nostalgic—every era has its own pattern of sin

Brad Littlejohn | France’s attempts to raise birth rates won’t work, and we may be going down the same road


Andrew T. Walker | Rob Reiner’s God & Country is the hit piece you expected it to be

Daniel R. Suhr | Missouri courts display the bigotry that Justice Alito predicted in Obergefell

Emma Waters | The effort to raise birth rates will fall flat unless the number of marriages increases

Daniel Darling | The decline of marriage has led to enormous misery, especially for the poor

Hunter Baker | Even just one or two deviations from the PC line raise suspicions on the left

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The Alabama Supreme Court rules that the protection of human embryos extends beyond the womb