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Inflated narratives

Inflated narratives

David L. Bahnsen | The inflation situation has something for everyone, and not enough for anyone

Craig A. Carter | Postmodern medicine is a danger to humanity

Hunter Baker | William F. Buckley Jr. was the indispensable man of American conservatism in the 20th century

Daniel Darling | A free-speech showdown in Belgium shows a weakening foundation for liberty


Barton J. Gingerich | Evangelical leaders shouldn’t treat apostasy and transgenderism as laughing matters

A.S. Ibrahim | Chants of “Death to America” in Michigan warn of a vicious ideology in our midst

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | A controversy at NPR reveals the scandal of the elite media class

Bethel McGrew | Elites finally admit abortion is murder—and they do not care

James R. Wood | Christians should be kind, but also realize that kindness won’t stop accusations of hate

Caleb Morell | After Dobbs, the government should enforce the law and protect women and children