Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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“Consent” is not enough

“Consent” is not enough

Flynn Evans | High-tech pornography leaves human sexuality hollowed of its hallowedness

Ericka Andersen | Digital romance isn’t a real relationship

Jordan J. Ballor | People of the Book should be people of books

Hunter Baker | El Salvador’s strongman and the essence of government


Bethel McGrew | Euthanasia in Holland and Belgium shows that “free choice” ends up devouring itself

Eric Patterson | A look at Ronald Reagan’s message, 40 years after his smashing reelection

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | A statement on the death of Joel Belz

Adam M. Carrington | The Mayorkas impeachment would be on firmer ground without accusations of law-breaking

Nathanael Blake | Pope Francis plays a tactical game in his undermining of doctrines on sexuality

Simon Kennedy | The Church needs to prepare for the new world disorder