Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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The need for Biblical inerrancy

The need for Biblical inerrancy

Murray Vasser | It’s time for Methodists to recover John Wesley’s view of Scripture

Ericka Andersen | Breastfeeding support groups (obviously) should not include men

Delano Squires | Titus 2 wives require Ephesians 5 husbands

Joseph Backholm | Progressivism rarely builds and often destroys


Timothy Lamer | Profiting from the weakness and misfortune of others is no way to treat a neighbor

John D. Wilsey | But do we remember?

Brad Littlejohn | We should not allow a harmful product to become a social requirement

David L. Bahnsen | If we don’t understand first principles in economics, we can do a lot of harm

Matt Krause | Why are government bodies still erasing religious displays?

Carl R. Trueman | The UMC lost sight of what it means to be human