Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Point: It’s time to rein in Big Tech’s power

Point: It’s time to rein in Big Tech’s power

Russell Vought | Tech companies are manipulating the flow of information and suppressing speech

Brooke Medina | Government regulation risks entrenching tech companies and hampering innovation

A.S. Ibrahim | The answer can’t be reduced to mere numbers

Daniel Huizinga | The proposed Section 230 “reform” will create huge problems for free speech


Samuel D. James | The homeschooling moment demands a strong homeschooling movement

Erin Hawley | But let’s remember how we got it in the first place

Barton J. Gingerich | It starts with the school question

Jennifer Marshall Patterson | Biological reality collides with political insanity

Gerald McDermott | Climate catastrophism does not help us think clearly about our responsibility to care for creation

Thaddeus Williams | The redemptive power of the truth