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Court-packing is politics, not law

Court-packing is politics, not law

Daniel R. Suhr | A threat to the Supreme Court is a threat to our constitutional order

Adeline A. Allen | Can free speech survive on America’s university campuses?

Joseph Backholm | The architects of progressive education are telling us what they plan for our children

Jordan J. Ballor | But the planet’s future will not be decided in Glasgow


Marc LiVecche | Netflix horror stories portray hopes and longings they cannot quench

Brad Littlejohn | Don’t give up on the Reformation

Kevin DeYoung | Of Squid Game and high places

Erick Erickson | The explosive issue of education is making the Virginia governor's race interesting

Eric Patterson | On its birthday, the International Religious Freedom Act is down but not out

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | The Biden administration contradicts itself on capital punishment