Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Iran’s aim for nuclear weapons is tied to theological ambitions

Iran’s aim for nuclear weapons is tied to theological ambitions

A.S. Ibrahim | And the United States and Europe need to wake up to that fact

Allie Beth Stuckey | But it’s powerful propaganda designed to indoctrinate your children

Mark Tooley | Our constitutional order is threatened by such comments

Russell Vought | Rejecting Utah’s attempts to lead the country into oblivion


Hunter Baker | It’s terrible timing for a war on American oil and gas

Jennifer Marshall Patterson | Recovery requires parental control of educational resources, not more spending

Brad Littlejohn | America must be careful not to make foreign policy promises it will not keep—and keep the promises it makes

Eric Patterson | Putin may be high on cultural symbolism, but he is thin on actual theology

Ericka Andersen | Since life begins at conception, why not begin child support then too?

Kristen Waggoner | The transgender movement now endangers women in prison