Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Cultural fights are political opportunities

Cultural fights are political opportunities

Russell Vought | And American voters appear ready and willing to join the battle

Erick Erickson | The new temptation on the right

Kevin DeYoung | Will we pass it on to future generations?

Hunter Baker | The left may dismiss the conservative Supreme Court justice, but it also fears him


Christiana Kiefer | And women are paying the price

Marc LiVecche | How is President Biden going to explain his foreign policy record in his State of the Union address?

Mark Tooley | Where the world’s two most threatening dictatorships took center stage

Eric Patterson | Ukraine’s religious diversity and freedom offer a clear alternative to Putin’s ways

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Putin wants to humble Western civilization and refute its ideals

Daniel R. Suhr | The Senate should scrutinize President Biden’s pick for the Supreme Court