Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Christian colleges face a clear choice

Christian colleges face a clear choice

Barton J. Gingerich | There is no “third way” on sexuality

Hunter Baker | You can’t have it both ways

Samuel D. James | Both movies affirm something important and rarely seen on the big screen

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | She fled the Nazis, fled the Soviets, came to America, and became secretary of state


Kristen Waggoner | How a hostile encounter with Yale law students emboldened me to speak the truth with kindness

Russell Vought | But the protectors of the secular narrative believe the truth must be suppressed

Steven Wedgeworth | Christians cannot afford to ignore this powerful form of communication

R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Resist the call to mass delusion

Craig A. Carter | The modern equivalent of burning a pinch of incense to Caesar

Daniel Darling | How the media dismissed the Hunter Biden story