What happens when a society abandons Christianity? | WORLD
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What happens when a society abandons Christianity?

Nature abhors a vacuum, and Islam is filling one in the West

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What does a post-Christian West look like? Liberals argue that it is a secular society free of the “antiquated oppressions” of religion. Conservatives might argue that we get our moral compass from Christianity, and without it, we have a limited understanding of truth, beauty, and goodness.

Either way, I’m not convinced we’re entering a period of agnosticism or atheism. It seems to me as Christianity shrinks away into the corners of Western society, another faith is being promoted to take its place as the default. 

I would argue that liberals are handing over the reins to Islam. 

In the Midlands of England, Bradford Cathedral made the news for hosting a large Iftar event. Iftar is the breakfast meal of Muslims who are fasting throughout Ramadan. For a place of Christian worship to be hosting such an event will be held up by liberals as inclusive. But to Christians, it may be seen as offensive, to the point of sacrilege, especially if prayers are said during the event. Some Christian leaders seem to have lost all sense of the sacred and instead focus on temporal matters, worshipping the god of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity over our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

This is not the first time something like this has happened in England; it has been going on for years now. St Chad’s Roman Catholic Cathedral in Birmingham was the first to do something like this outside of London when it hosted Iftar in 2018. The following year, the Bishop of London hosted an “interfaith” Ramadan in St Paul’s Cathedral—our mother church—alongside the mayor of London, Saqid Khan. In my opinion, there is nothing interfaith about it. Such a service is simply blasphemous and a direct contradiction of the First Commandment.  

If we truly want to be free, and live lives in truth, beauty, and goodness, the only option is to return to a Christian society.

Mayor Khan seems to embrace such opportunities, though. Last week he switched on London’s first-ever “Ramadan lights” in Piccadilly Circus. As a Christian country, we’ve always had Christmas lights, and I have nothing against being welcoming to people of other faiths and none, but for our capital city to be explicitly celebrating a foreign religion is like waving a white flag.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby released a video this week greeting “our Muslim sisters and brothers at the start of Ramadan.” No longer defending against heresies, our spiritual leader and first among equals among Anglican leaders is now outwardly embracing heresy as if it’s something to be celebrated.

The terms diversity and inclusion would be easier to swallow if they meant taking onboard cultural norms in addition to our own. At present, it seems to be that all other cultures and religions are to be celebrated apart from our own. Christianity is the bedrock of Western society, it is our foundation. At what point did we decide it was time to depart from our roots in search of something new? As the liberal humanists attempt to pretend we’re becoming a secularist society, it is worth reminding them that nature abhors a vacuum, and that if you don’t believe in something, you’ll believe in anything.

The choice is not a Christian society or a secular society. The choice is increasingly becoming between a woke society and an Islamic society, both of which are oppressive. If we truly want to be free, and live lives in truth, beauty, and goodness, the only option is to return to a Christian society. That means Christians need to stand firm in the faith, and cultural Christians—those people who appreciate a Christian society, even if they don’t yet necessarily believe in Christ—need to reconsider the faith they have told themselves they have rejected.

So, the message for all is, if we don’t want to become woke or Islamic, it’s time to go to church.

Calvin Robinson

The Rev. Calvin Robinson is a British broadcaster, political adviser, and commentator.

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