Erin Hawley | Calls for Justice Amy Coney Barrett to recuse are disingenuous
Hunter Baker | Twitter’s bias against conservatives was even worse than we thought
Rebeccah L. Heinrichs | China is using the social media app against America’s children
Nathan A. Finn | Universities are making deals with sports-betting companies, and students will be the losers
Samuel D. James | Disney’s progressive ideology is crippling its brand
Kristen Waggoner | The problems with the bill were—and are—dangerous for religious freedom
Ted Kluck | Trying to remember the (happier, holier) world before the social media giant
Mark Tooley | The floodgates are opening, and congregations are leaving the United Methodist Church
R. Albert Mohler Jr. | Yesterday, the United States Senate surrendered marriage
Daniel R. Suhr | It’s time for U.S. foreign policy to regain its footing, and stand for freedom