Christian Opinions On Today's News | WORLD
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Whatever happened to safeguarding children?

Whatever happened to safeguarding children?

Calvin Robinson | A notorious transgender teacher in Canada needs help, not affirmation—and certainly not access to children

Daniel Darling | Progressive churches are much more likely to preach politics on Sunday mornings

Mark Tooley | Vladimir Putin’s court prophet and his false promises

Jordan J. Ballor | Lord Shaftesbury’s career embodied an encouraging approach to charity and social reform


Ericka Andersen | Pro-abortion arguments can’t hide the truth

Craig A. Carter | Is the Canadian government using euthanasia to save money?

Emma Waters | “Respect for Marriage Act” is the next step in a long campaign to redefine marriage

Carl R. Trueman | Different visions of what it means to be human make conflict between Christian institutions and the world inevitable

Allie Beth Stuckey | Vanderbilt’s transgender push shows the danger of gender ideology

Daniel Darling | Burned-out shepherds are a warning sign for the church