Marc LiVecche | The tension found in carrying out these competing duties is the focus of the film Bonhoeffer
Joe Rigney | C.S. Lewis’ That Hideous Strength is still relevant today
Carl R. Trueman | A former Church of England leader erases what it means to be human
Daniel R. Suhr | President-elect Trump will have an opportunity to add to his legacy of conservative judicial appointments
A.S. Ibrahim | The arrest of a terrorist sympathizer in Houston should serve as a wake-up call to our nation
Brad Littlejohn | How conservatives can work to change our culture’s hostility toward families
Jonathan Butcher | What the election means for Christianity and racial politics
Kayla Toney | A California elementary school hides gender ideology that conflicts with a family’s religious convictions
Matthew Malec | Combining resources and resolve to combat additional abortion votes that are sure to come
Hans Fiene | When the open-minded, non-judgmental, or politically conscious things you tell your children about childbearing come back to bite you