Biden was progressivism’s Chernobyl | WORLD
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Biden was progressivism’s Chernobyl

The end of his presidency represents a cultural and spiritual reckoning

Former President Joe Biden and Jill Biden wave as they board an Air Force Special Mission airplane at Joint Base Andrews, Md., on Monday. Associated Press / Photo by Jess Rapfogel

Biden was progressivism’s Chernobyl
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Now a former president of the United States, Joe Biden is a figure who embodied not only the frailty of advanced age but also the advanced decline of the broader progressive project. He exited office with progressivism in utter shambles, perhaps in its weakest position since the late 1970s. Even progressives are admitting this. The institutions and ideologies that once reigned with unchecked dominance are faltering, leaving a void that is increasingly filled by a rightward-facing resurgence. Progressivism, under Biden, had its Chernobyl moment, a moment synonymous with ideological façades being exposed to the contaminants of systemic corruption and incompetence. This is observable on multiple fronts.

The mainstream media, once the unassailable gatekeeper of national discourse, is collapsing under the weight of its own hubris. Once-revered outlets now struggle to maintain credibility as they hemorrhage viewers, subscribers, and trust. Americans are rejecting the narratives spoon-fed by a media establishment that has long prioritized ideological conformity over fairness and accuracy. The rise of independent media voices and alternative platforms is breaking the monopoly of the legacy press, empowering citizens to seek the truth for themselves. Biden’s farewell criticisms of the tech oligarchy are the last gasps of an entire regime that no longer has a monopoly on narratives. If the tech bros still served progressive interests and didn’t let up on censorship and moderation, there would have been no criticism.

Similarly, woke capitalism is losing its grip. Major companies that eagerly embraced progressive ideologies as zeniths of “inclusion” face consumer backlash and financial repercussions. From disastrous ad campaigns to boycotts that hit their bottom lines, corporations are learning that pandering to radical ideologies is a losing strategy. The American people are speaking with their wallets, and they are rejecting the moral posturing and divisive identity politics that have seeped into the corporate world. Shareholders are also beginning to question whether aligning with divisive social movements is worth risking backlash.

Free speech, long under siege by cancel culture and leftist censorship, is regaining ground. The rise of platforms like X under Elon Musk’s leadership has reinvigorated open dialogue, challenging the progressive stranglehold on discourse. Meta is now following the same map. Americans are reclaiming their right to debate controversial ideas without fear of retribution. This resurgence of free expression marks a decisive blow to progressive efforts to silence dissenting voices, signaling a cultural shift toward a more open and balanced society.

At the federal level, progressive power has taken a significant hit. On Monday, progressives became a minority party at every level of the federal government. The combination of progressive cultural and political power facing the gravest headwinds in a generation is a testament to the out-of-touch smugness that defines modern progressivism. Even less desirable than leftist policies is the leftist brand.

The emergence of a counter-elite system represents one of the most encouraging developments in America’s cultural and political landscape. Entrepreneurs, intellectuals, and leaders outside the progressive establishment are challenging the liberal hegemony that once seemed unassailable. These counter-elites are not just opposing progressivism; they are building institutions and movements capable of rivaling its influence, fostering hope for a more balanced and representative society.

America remains the greatest country in the world, not because of progressivism but in spite of it.

For decades, progressives clung to the mantra that “demographics are destiny,” believing that changing racial and ethnic compositions would cement their political dominance. Yet, this simplistic and cynical calculus has been upended by the diverse coalition rallying behind leaders like Donald Trump. Hispanic, African American, and working-class voters are increasingly rejecting the paternalism of liberal elites and embracing a conservative vision rooted in faith, tradition, and freedom. The myth of an inevitable progressive majority has been shattered, proving that shared values, not superficial identity markers that follow from identity politics, determine political alignment.

The open borders globalism championed by progressives has also been thoroughly repudiated. Americans have witnessed the chaos wrought by unregulated immigration—strained resources, rising crime, and communities overwhelmed by federal neglect. Conservative leaders are standing firm against this insanity, advocating for policies that prioritize national sovereignty, the rule of law, and securing American prosperity and safety first.

Social progressivism, too, is in retreat. Gender ideology, DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) initiatives, and other hallmarks of woke orthodoxy are losing ground as Americans push back against their excesses. From school board meetings to corporate boardrooms, parents, employees, and citizens are standing up to the radical redefinition of basic truths. States are banning radical medical procedures on minors and rejecting curricula rooted in critical race theory. The victories are mounting weekly, signaling a cultural shift that favors moral traditionalism, the natural law, common sense, and the sanctity of the family.

California, long touted as a progressive utopia, serves as a cautionary tale of what happens when liberal policies are implemented without restraint. The devastating wildfires that are currently ravaging the state are surely related to managerial incompetence and shortsighted environmental policies. Despite enjoying a supermajority in the state legislature, Democrats have failed to address the root causes of these disasters, leaving Californians to bear the consequences of their lawmakers’ mismanagement. City after city, mired under Democratic rule for decades, are subject to the same inefficiencies and absurdities. It is a microcosm of progressive failure on a national scale.

It is undeniably tragic that Americans must endure the consequences of liberal rule. The economic hardship, social discord, and moral confusion wrought by progressivism have taken a toll on our nation. The iron curtain of woke failure is crashing down, and a brighter future is on the horizon. The resilience and ingenuity of the American people are proving stronger than the forces that seek to undermine them. Joe Biden is a hood ornament for progressivism’s decline.

America remains the greatest country in the world, not because of progressivism but in spite of it. Progressivism, in its overreach and arrogance, has sown the seeds of its own destruction. Let us not squander this moment because, more than it needs conservatism, America needs Christians to boldly stand on the truth of His Word and its promises for human flourishing. The collapse of progressive rule is not just a political phenomenon, it is evidence of a cultural and spiritual reckoning. As conservatives, as Christians, we must rise to the occasion and see the present moment as an opportunity to reclaim the Biblical values that have made America exceptional.

Andrew T. Walker

Andrew is the managing editor of WORLD Opinions and serves as associate professor of Christian ethics at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also a fellow with The Ethics and Public Policy Center. He resides with his family in Louisville, Ky.

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