News Magazines for Christians | Vol. 21, No. 26 | WORLD
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July 1, 2006 | Vol. 21, No. 26

From disapproval to delight

Marvin Olasky | Novels and movies were once generally suspect in evangelical eyes, but now the emphasis is on discernment.

When death is on the line

Matthew P. Ristuccia | Two recent books-one by a Christian and one not-show dramatic contrasts

Liberated but bound

Susan Olasky | Writer Caitlin Flanagan on where feminism went wrong

Susan Olasky | Debbie Maken and Connally Gilliam discuss how to obey God when marriage doesn't happen

The movie that wasn't made

William Kilpatrick | So many of today's "message movies" are like messages in a bottle, dealing with yesterday's struggles.

Ideologue for hire

Marvin Olasky | In Jack Abramoff's depiction, Ralph Reed fought for ideas "as far as the cash goes"

Priya Abraham | A Pakistani Christian frees kidnapped Christian children-and faces the wrath of Pakistan's terrorist slavers

Fiction is finer

Marvin Olasky | Author Angela Hunt on why she prefers writing novels to nonfiction, and how writers always send messages of some sort

A rocky path

Susan Olasky | Some books from self-publishing companies showcase vanity, but others contend for wider distribution

Nothing resolved

Edward E. Plowman | ECUSA passes a watered-down response to the Windsor Report and sets itself on a collision course with the Anglican Communion

John Dawson | Captured memo shows terrorist leaders realize they are fighting against the clock


Bottomed out?

Many recent Young Adult novels are raunchy, but some now urge responsibility

The Lake House

Time-travel romance is short on sparks and suspense

Review: Superman Returns

The latest installment of Superman is one of the top superhero films of all time

Back to the nineties
The Heat looked like the Bulls of yesteryear in their dazzling NBA Finals victory
Personal finance book explains how-and, more importantly, why-to get out of debt