Marvin Olasky | Novels and movies were once generally suspect in evangelical eyes, but now the emphasis is on discernment.
Susan Olasky | Debbie Maken and Connally Gilliam discuss how to obey God when marriage doesn't happen
William Kilpatrick | So many of today's "message movies" are like messages in a bottle, dealing with yesterday's struggles.
Priya Abraham | A Pakistani Christian frees kidnapped Christian children-and faces the wrath of Pakistan's terrorist slavers
Marvin Olasky | Author Angela Hunt on why she prefers writing novels to nonfiction, and how writers always send messages of some sort
Susan Olasky | Some books from self-publishing companies showcase vanity, but others contend for wider distribution
Edward E. Plowman | ECUSA passes a watered-down response to the Windsor Report and sets itself on a collision course with the Anglican Communion
John Dawson | Captured memo shows terrorist leaders realize they are fighting against the clock