Charissa Koh | 2019 Hope Awards Northeast winner Purposeful Design | A carpentry shop offers ex-addicts and homeless the chance to build furniture, friendship, and a future
Marvin Olasky | 2019 Hope Awards International winner 20schemes | How a Scottish ministry works in hard places to show the poor and addicted the riches of new life in Christ
Letters from our readers
Charissa Koh | 2019 Hope Awards Southwest winner Little Light Christian School | This Christian school’s mission is to love the children of prisoners—but traumatic backgrounds make the work a marathon of trusting God
Why an Asian American band took its controversial trademark battle to the Supreme Court—and how its frontman saw humanity in others
Four picture books about animals
Charissa Koh | 2019 Hope Awards Southeast winner Scarlet Hope | Rachelle Starr and her friends help women emerge from the sex industry
Getting the right ammunition