Philadelphia police shooting sparks riot | WORLD
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Philadelphia police shooting sparks riot

Protesters face-off with police during a Tuesday night march in Philadelphia. Associated Press/Photo by Matt Slocum

Philadelphia police shooting sparks riot

Police in Philadelphia say about 1,000 people were engaged in looting at stores along Castor and Aramingo Avenues on Tuesday in a second night of unrest following the police shooting of 27-year-old Walter Wallace. Responding officers detained more than 90 people since protests began Monday. Two officers on Monday opened fire on Wallace as he wielded a knife.

What do we know about the shooting incident? Department spokeswoman Tanya Little said Wallace refused to drop a knife and advanced on the officers. They were wearing body cameras. The department has not released their names. Wallace’s father said his son had mental health issues and was on medication. The family’s lawyer said they had called for an ambulance to assist Wallace during a mental crisis and not for police intervention. In an early Wednesday statement, White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said the Trump administration stands with law enforcement and called for an investigation, saying, “we can never allow mob rule.”

Dig deeper: Read WORLD editor in chief Marvin Olasky’s analysis of the protests in Portland over police shootings.

Editor’s note: WORLD has updated this report since its initial posting.

Kyle Ziemnick

Kyle is a former WORLD Digital news reporter. He is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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