Tim Graham | WORLD
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Tim Graham

Tim is a former WORLD reporter.

Articles by Tim Graham

From insider to outcast

Tim Graham | With a sharp-edged new book, Bernard Goldberg challenges his old bosses at CBS on their liberal biases

Tim Graham | Advanced Cell Technologies finally did it: created a human clone.

Tim Graham | With the United States at war, why is Uncle Sam funding radio broadcasts favorable to the enemy?

Tim Graham | Or education, for that matter: Whatever happened to bipartisanship in the nation's capital?


Tim Graham | The history of terrorism against Americans and U.S.

Tim Graham | The 9/11 attacks may become another excuse for liberals to delay tax cuts and spend money

Tim Graham | The aftermath of the attack on the Pentagon

Tim Graham | Vicente Fox's visit emphasizes a new approach to U.S.

Liberals attack a fellow liberal departing the party line: Why isn't this news?

Tim Graham | Education legislation is on the fast track in Congress, but haste may make waste