Thaddeus is the author of the bestselling book Confronting Injustice Without Compromising Truth: 12 Questions Christians Should Ask About Social Justice (Zondervan/HarperCollins, 2020). He serves as associate professor of systematic theology for the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University and resides in Orange County, Calif., with his wife and four kids.
Thaddeus Williams | Are we witnessing the return of the “normal” after the reign of N.I.C.E.?
Thaddeus Williams | Imagine there’s no heaven—and no pretentious atheist anthems, too
Thaddeus Williams | Finding hope and meaning in the “upper story” that we can only reach through Jesus Christ
Thaddeus Williams | Exposing the “It’s toasted!” appeal of made-up terms like “reproductive freedom”
Thaddeus Williams | We must resist the doublethink and newspeak of our day
Thaddeus Williams | The University of Florida jettisons its DEI office—and more of us should, too
Thaddeus Williams | Who’s really teaching our children about sex?
Thaddeus Williams | Cancel culture and the shared need for justification
Thaddeus Williams | Musical artists don’t have to believe in Satan to do his bidding
Thaddeus Williams | Understanding our cultural moment and what comes next