Samantha Gobba | WORLD
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Samantha Gobba

Samantha is a freelancer for WORLD Digital. She is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute, holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Hillsdale College, and has a multiple-subject teaching credential from California State University. Samantha resides in Chico, Calif., with her husband and their two sons.

Articles by Samantha Gobba
Kasich signs 20-week abortion ban, vetoes heartbeat bill

Kasich signs 20-week abortion ban, vetoes heartbeat bill

Ohio governor opts to support strategy most likely to survive a court challenge

Pro-life group hopes data gathered from state records will dispel claims the abortion industry needs no regulation

The bill is the second pro-life measure adopted in the state this week

State legislature passes bill banning abortion after about 22 days despite court rulings against similar measures


New Mexico woman says she wasn’t told her baby would be used for research

‘We need our great God,’ says Tennessee Baptist director

Lawsuits aim to strike down the 20-week abortion ban and regulations on abortionists

New law allows birth certificates to include up to four adults

Pro-lifers celebrate the decrease as proof their message is working

Thriving mainline congregations remain committed to Biblical beliefs