Samantha Gobba | WORLD
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Samantha Gobba

Samantha is a freelancer for WORLD Digital. She is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute, holds a bachelor’s degree in English from Hillsdale College, and has a multiple-subject teaching credential from California State University. Samantha resides in Chico, Calif., with her husband and their two sons.

Articles by Samantha Gobba
The deadly link between organ donation and assisted suicide

The deadly link between organ donation and assisted suicide

Will terminally ill patients be pushed to end their lives by doctors who want their organs?

The Center for Medical Progress still faces other legal hurdles

Pro-life measures gain overwhelming approval in Republican-controlled legislature

Ruling protects healthcare providers’ religious liberty


Preliminary injunction protects the free speech of pregnancy care centers

State says abortion giant violated federal law

Final Exit Network fined $30,000 for assisting Minnesota woman’s suicide

Fives states now have criminal penalties for any doctor prescribing death

Regulation would require abortion centers and hospitals to stop treating dead babies like medical waste

Obama administration officials try to prevent states from directing federal money to pro-life groups