Rob Holmes | WORLD
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Rob Holmes

Rob is a World Journalism Institute graduate and former WORLD correspondent.

Articles by Rob Holmes
Another about-face for immigrant enlistees

Another about-face for immigrant enlistees

U.S. Army rescinds or suspends dozens of discharges

U.S. Army suspends immigrant discharges but some service members stuck in limbo

Employers wonder how to handle workers with uncertain futures

Bureaucracy could get in the way of low-income customers using their SNAP benefits at farmers markets


Some migrant children may be better off remaining separated from their parents

Hospitals face millions in fines for dumping patients

States and cities look to fix document woes for the poor

Crackdown on illegal crossings mean more migrants at America’s front door

Family separation policy sparks nationwide debate about laws and morals

Amid national policy fight, U.S. agents rescue stranded illegal immigrants