Ray Hacke | WORLD
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Ray Hacke

Ray Hacke

Ray is a correspondent for WORLD who has covered sports professionally for three decades. He is also a licensed attorney who lives in Keizer, Ore., with his wife Pauline and daughter Ava.

Follow Ray Hacke on Twitter @RayHacke43

Articles by Ray Hacke

Baseball backlash

By recognizing a blasphemous LGBT group, the Los Angeles Dodgers have alienated loyal supporters—perhaps permanently

TRENDING | Women are breaking into coaching in men’s pro sports

SPORTS | A sports bar with a worthy mission risks alienating many families

International soccer’s top tournament expands in size


NHL goalie may pay price for refusing to bow to LGBTQ+ agenda; Christian school already has

Track and field’s international governing body bans men from competing in women’s events

TRENDING | Female athletes are fighting in different ways to keep men out of their sports

MOVIE | A story of a God-honoring coach instilling character in young men will find fans among Christian audiences

Patrick Mahomes and Jalen Hurts pray for success but also for God’s will to be done

Ivan Provorov sits out LGBT pride event