Ray Hacke | WORLD
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Ray Hacke

Ray Hacke

Ray is a correspondent for WORLD who has covered sports professionally for three decades. He is also a licensed attorney who lives in Keizer, Ore., with his wife Pauline and daughter Ava.

Follow Ray Hacke on Twitter @RayHacke43

Articles by Ray Hacke
Take skin out of the game

Take skin out of the game

Ray Hacke | Race should no longer matter in sports

Six female Cornhuskers challenge the status quo, inspiring courage in the fight to protect the unborn

SPORTS | Athletes adopt president-elect’s signature move

Ray Hacke | A group of University of Nebraska women athletes use their star power to advocate for the unborn


Ray Hacke | Will forfeits finally send the message that male athletes don’t belong in girls and women’s sports?

San José State University’s assistant women’s volleyball coach says she couldn’t keep silent about transgender player “for one more minute”

Ray Hacke | Imagine male athletes who identify as female winning championships for women’s pro sports teams

SPORTS | As college volleyball teams forfeit in protest of a transgender player from San José State University, one teammate fights to protect women’s sports

Ray Hacke | Calls to honor Native American–themed sports nicknames need to be heard, too

SPORTS | Impending A’s move leaves fans feeling alienated