Max Belz | WORLD
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Max Belz

Max Belz

Max is a major gifts officer at WORLD and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute. He lives in Savannah, Ga., with his wife and four children.

Articles by Max Belz
Timeless appeal of the outsider hero

Timeless appeal of the outsider hero

Clint Eastwood’s iconic role in A Fistful of Dollars endures as a symbol of justice across cultures

MOVIE | A tale about a biracial boy evacuating London during WWII lacks needed energy but remains heartwarming

Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window turns 70 years old but is as timely as ever

MOVIE | Taking dystopian sci-fi horror back to basics


Filmmaker Werner Herzog tells true stories that marvel at the created order

MOVIE | Story about 1960s motorcycle gang members searching for belonging offers tension but little resolution

The Wizard of Oz and Stagecoach expanded the art form by excellent storytelling coupled with innovations in color and sound

What is materialism? How can we offer our kids and teens a better alternative? We’re joined by WORLD’s Max Belz and Amy Auten on today’s episode.

The science fiction saga poses profound questions about what it means to love and give your life for another

MOVIE | A meditation on friendship, fate, and the passage of time