Marvin Olasky | WORLD
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Marvin Olasky

Marvin Olasky

Marvin is the former editor in chief of WORLD, having retired in January 2022, and former dean of World Journalism Institute. He joined WORLD in 1992 and has been a university professor and provost. He has written more than 20 books, including Reforming Journalism.

Follow Marvin Olasky on Twitter @MarvinOlasky

Articles by Marvin Olasky
Chemical killer

Chemical killer

Marvin Olasky | Surgical abortions have slowed, but pills and chemicals are reaching more homes—and killing more babies

How do we make peace after deadly unrest?

What we can learn from late 19th-century England


Can we find common ground?

The Bible gives us models for ensuring our politics conform to our faith, especially under a new presidential administration

Taming technology before it tames you

Media crisis and opportunity

To save more unborn babies, pro-life efforts must inspire, engage, and support fathers

Losers in sports and society