Mark Hemingway is a senior writer at RealClearInvestigations and the books editor at The Federalist. He was formerly a senior writer at The Weekly Standard, a columnist and editorial writer for the Washington Examiner, and a staff writer at National Review. He is the recipient of a Robert Novak Journalism fellowship and was a two-time Global Prosperity Initiative Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He was a 2014 Lincoln Fellow of The Claremont Institute and a Eugene C. Pulliam Distinguished Fellow in Journalism at Hillsdale College in 2016. He is married to journalist and Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway, and they have two daughters.
Mark Hemingway | The scary reality involving sexual abuse of the truly vulnerable
Mark Hemingway | It’s time for Christians to stand for the truth and accept the consequences
Mark Hemingway | It’s time to speak the truth despite the costs
Mark Hemingway | Their message is clear: Get political and cultural extremism out of public schools
Mark Hemingway | Taking an honest approach toward COVID restrictions for kids
Mark Hemingway | Steven Brill’s “fact-checking” service is coming soon to a school near you
Mark Hemingway | Being there for each other when the Twitter mob comes calling
Mark Hemingway | We can’t trust its creator, either
Mark Hemingway | It starts with honesty
Mark Hemingway | Christians have a golden opportunity to offer alternatives to decaying institutions