Mark Hemingway | WORLD
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Mark Hemingway

Mark Hemingway

Mark Hemingway is a senior writer at RealClearInvestigations and the books editor at The Federalist. He was formerly a senior writer at The Weekly Standard, a columnist and editorial writer for the Washington Examiner, and a staff writer at National Review. He is the recipient of a Robert Novak Journalism fellowship and was a two-time Global Prosperity Initiative Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. He was a 2014 Lincoln Fellow of The Claremont Institute and a Eugene C. Pulliam Distinguished Fellow in Journalism at Hillsdale College in 2016. He is married to journalist and Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway, and they have two daughters.

Articles by Mark Hemingway
Halfway repentance

Halfway repentance

Mark Hemingway | New York Times columnist reflects on his class but doesn’t go far enough

Mark Hemingway | Pride month and anti-Christian mockery should prompt a response

Mark Hemingway | The president’s lighthearted jokes were offensive and inappropriate in the wake of the Nashville shooting

Mark Hemingway | We need greatly simplified and fairly applied laws when it comes to protecting state secrets


Mark Hemingway | Turns out the concerns about Twitter’s “trust and safety” polices were spot on

Mark Hemingway | We should welcome all children, not just the picture-perfect ones

Mark Hemingway | Why are journalists trying to downplay Elon Musk’s Twitter revelations?

Mark Hemingway | This is no time to call for retreat

Mark Hemingway | Left and right alike are hurling unfair attacks on a morally serious leader

Mark Hemingway | Schools value politics and ideology more than truth