Maria Baer | WORLD
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Maria Baer

Maria Baer

Maria is a freelance reporter who lives in Columbus, Ohio. She contributes regularly to Christianity Today  and other outlets and co-hosts the  Breakpoint  podcast with The Colson Center for Christian Worldview.

Articles by Maria Baer

Happy Mother’s Day—full stop

Maria Baer | Let’s not hesitate as we rejoice over motherhood

Church is a place for community, accountability, and radical honesty with a hope that transcends the messiness of life

Maria Baer | Being the family of God—if we’re doing it right—is going to be messy

Maria Baer | A new study demonstrates why endless personal trauma-mining is destructive, not restorative


An Ohio church runs into trouble for sheltering the homeless

Maria Baer | Lessons from Jim Elliot’s martyrdom, 68 years later

Maria Baer | “Choice” is not the right category

Christian Zomi refugees from Myanmar pass their faith and culture on to their children in Ohio

Maria Baer | And Ohio’s Issue 1 tells women they’re just not strong enough to be a mother

Maria Baer | In Ohio a playacting bully is hired to mock women at a family festival