Lynn Vincent | WORLD
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Lynn Vincent

Lynn Vincent

Lynn is co–chief content officer of WORLD News Group. She is the New York Times bestselling author or co-author of a dozen nonfiction books, including Same Kind of Different As Me and Indianapolis. Lynn lives in the mountains east of San Diego.

Articles by Lynn Vincent

Tax dollars at leisure

Lynn Vincent | Why does Uncle Sam need so much?

Lynn Vincent | Activists co-opt language of the civil-rights movement and seek to "use talk to muddy the moral waters"

Lynn Vincent | Ex-leftist activist David Horowitz attempts to help conservatives infiltrate the movie industry

Lynn Vincent | Planned Parenthood hits the Net with a hip new e-zine to lure sex-obsessed teens into its worldwide web


Lynn Vincent | Well-financed charitable foundations keep the "right-to-die" movement alive and well

Lynn Vincent | Government moves ahead with funding controversial stem cell research, despite congressional ban

Lynn Vincent | Did welfare reform contribute to lower abortion numbers nationwide?

Lynn Vincent | Government mortality tables miss the full story

Lynn Vincent | As goes California, so goes the nation?

Lynn Vincent | Activists complain daytime curfews make criminals of homeschoolers; suit makes constitutional challenge