Lynn is co–chief content officer of WORLD News Group. She is the New York Times bestselling author or co-author of a dozen nonfiction books, including Same Kind of Different As Me and Indianapolis. Lynn lives in the mountains east of San Diego.
Lynn Vincent | WORLD's second annual "Daniel of the Year" designation goes not to one single person but to a generation of young people the editors have dubbed "Generation WWJD." These are the courageous Christian youths who discovered in tough situations that asking t
Lynn Vincent | Digital revolution frees time for homeschooling parents and opens new worlds to students
Lynn Vincent | Rejected revisionist history standards are finding their way through the back door of American education
Lynn Vincent | Fetal-tissue research: Making the best of a bad situation, or sliding further down the slippery slope?
Lynn Vincent | He put them to glorious use at Wedgwood
Lynn Vincent | An unlikely instrument of God's grace-off-again, on-again youth group member, with a criminal record, no job, and on the verge of losing an apartment-points a suicidal gunman to Christ, even as he looked down the barrel of a semiautomatic Ruger.
Lynn Vincent | Bits and pieces of the tragedy in Fort Worth have been reported.
Lynn Vincent | Schools are getting around to teaching kids right from wrong-but can it work when God is ignored?
Lynn Vincent |
Lynn Vincent | Think education is Priority One for the National Education Association?