Lynn Vincent | WORLD
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Lynn Vincent

Lynn Vincent

Lynn is co–chief content officer of WORLD News Group. She is the New York Times bestselling author or co-author of a dozen nonfiction books, including Same Kind of Different As Me and Indianapolis. Lynn lives in the mountains east of San Diego.

Articles by Lynn Vincent

Daniels of the year

Lynn Vincent | WORLD's second annual "Daniel of the Year" designation goes not to one single person but to a generation of young people the editors have dubbed "Generation WWJD." These are the courageous Christian youths who discovered in tough situations that asking t

Lynn Vincent | Digital revolution frees time for homeschooling parents and opens new worlds to students

Lynn Vincent | Rejected revisionist history standards are finding their way through the back door of American education

Lynn Vincent | Fetal-tissue research: Making the best of a bad situation, or sliding further down the slippery slope?


Lynn Vincent | He put them to glorious use at Wedgwood

Lynn Vincent | An unlikely instrument of God's grace-off-again, on-again youth group member, with a criminal record, no job, and on the verge of losing an apartment-points a suicidal gunman to Christ, even as he looked down the barrel of a semiautomatic Ruger.

Lynn Vincent | Bits and pieces of the tragedy in Fort Worth have been reported.

Lynn Vincent | Schools are getting around to teaching kids right from wrong-but can it work when God is ignored?

Lynn Vincent | Think education is Priority One for the National Education Association?